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  • Writer's pictureSimon Kalla

West Region: Governor Fonka lifts restrictions on transportation, commercialisation of pigs

The Governor of the West Region, Awa Fonka Augustine, says the swine fever in his region is gradually coming to normal. He made this revelation on Tuesday September 14, 2021 in a communique terminating restrictions on the transportation and commercialisation of pigs and by-products in the region.

According to the governor, the decision was issued because of the respite in the African Swine Fever outbreak in the West, which is one of the largest pig farming regions in Cameroon.

"All of the analysis of Laboratoire national vétérinaire (Lanavet) were negative in Yaounde," Bernard Souop Ngeutchouessi, chairman of the western region pig farmers association, said. The African Swine Fever outbreak seems to be under control in the west region.

The decision issued by the governor, after three months of suspension, will immediately revive the regional pig farming industry, therefore, guaranteeing supply for the coming end-of-year celebrations.

The African Swine Fever was officially declared in the region in June 2021. Within four months, it caused the death and the slaughter of 90,000 pigs out of the 400,000 in the West.

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