The president of United Socialist Democratic Party (USDP) Prince M.N Eko Ekosso in an exclusive chat with Limbe-Based online new agency chronicled it strategy to canvass for more votes as the 2025 presidentials election campaign draws near, what he thinks with the situation on ground if there’ll be smooth election, why him and other political parties pushing for change of electoral code among others.
Prince M.N Eko Ekosso presidential candidate for October 2025 election sat down with KNews’s CEO and Founder, Simon Ndive Kalla in this compelling chat read on…….
Good day, Sir and thank you for the privilege to have you for this exclusive interview with KNews in line with the upcoming presidentials election billed for October 2025.
You are welcome. It is a pleasure having you around. We thank you for this wonderful opportunity to share with Cameroonians through your media on the dynamics and states of the socio-political situation of our beloved country.
Barely few months presidentials election campaign will be launched. What are the strategies your party United Socialist Democratic Party (USDP) is putting in place to canvass for more votes and on the strategic vision of USDP towards bringing change in Cameroon?
Firstly permit us to underscore that all what we will like to say is that USDP has in heart to showcase its good intention towards Cameroonians at home as well as those in the diaspora.
You should remember that we just had a meet-the people-tour in Fako Division recently and we will pursue that same program in the other six Divisions of the South West Region as well as other Regions of the Republic of Cameroon and in the diaspora.
With the situation on ground do you think there’ll be a smooth election comes October 2025?
We are still very skeptical with regards to the number of things when it comes to election and election management in the country. In our view, four main issues is a problem or gives us the view that the procedure to get a smooth and free election in cameroon is questionable.
Especially when it comes to the 2025 presidentials election. The first thing we want to underscore is that we believe that ELECAM is not credible in the organisation of a transparent credible and peaceful 2025 presidential election.
Secondly, the publication of national electoral list is still a heavy task for ELECAM. With this, we forsee future tension which if care is not taken can degenerate into an open conflict which can stagnate the entire country.
You and some other political parties have been pushing for the change of the electoral code. Kindly talk to us more on that…
The modification of the electoral code for more than three years now the USDP, UDC, CRM, SDF, MP, UM and PCRN have worked on the modification of several key provisions and articles of the electoral code.
After that, we proceded to present our work to the general public through a press conference which was stopped and prohibited by the regime in Yaounde.
Most recently, we relaunched that process by sending a copy of the proposed consensual modification of the electoral code to the president of the Republic of Cameroon and the International community as well as Cameroonians are waiting to see the reaction of the president of the Republic as the document was resend to him.
Cameroonian are calling on the Head of State to seek for another term in Office what’s your take on that?
We also believe that the CPDM should provide another candidate rather than president Paul Biya for the 2025 presidentials year election, Cameroonians believe that after 43 years as president and at the age of 92 Mr. Paul Biya can only guide the nation through a peaceful transition and not seek for another seven years mandate.
What’s your observation of the registration process?
The rate of voters registration is still timid though there are justifiable factors leading to the timidity of registration into the electoral list. These things which we have just mentioned could lead to the unsmoothness of the election in cameroon especially the 2025 presidentials election.
You’re embarking for Presidency what ambition do you have for the youths who are lamenting of unemployment in the country?
When it comes to the project and vision of USDP, If you take your time to read the manifesto of the USDP, you will agree with us that the USDP has one of the most ambitious political program in Cameroon for cameroonians especially with regards to underemployment and unemployment of the youths.
Most recently we identified a project in the Limbe municipality that can provide atleast twenty thousand jobs for young people. Just imagine that only for the Limbe municipality and through one project alone, twenty thousand jobs can be created.
What if we develop projects in the six other Divisions of the South West Region and within the ten Regions of Cameroon.
The potential to create jobs for Cameroonians youths is there and USDP has the vision of creating jobs and through one of its Ministry which is called tourism. Only with tourism we can create jobs in Cameroon that will lead to atleast two million new jobs.
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Presidential hopeful Prince M.N Eko Ekosso

USDP presidential hopeful, Prince M. N Eko Ekosso