A multifaceted professional who specializes in generating innovative ideas through her artistry’s imagination and translating them into visually compelling designs .
AFRI’A CHIC is a professional figure in-charge of designing and developing OUTFIT-COMPLETING ELEMENTS.
In the words of Aristotle, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit AFRI’A CHIC’s work ethics is at that level of excellence, motivated by her passion to create compelling designs that speak to the heart of lovers of fashion and style.
As we celebrate women, your work cannot go unnoticed.
Awards :
This trailblazer has to her credit, BEST ACCESSORY DESIGNER OF THE YEAR 2024 by ICAREICON Night. To place an order dial...681217486
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Samples of her work

AFRI’A CHIC professional Designer