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  • Writer's pictureSimon Kalla

Fentoh FC, Dubai girls emerge winners of journalist Cham Victor tournament


Fentoh FC are the winners of the first edition of Cham Victor holiday sport jamboree for Peace and Development after defeating Warriors FC 2:1 at the finals emerging champions and in handball Dubai girls defeated I voice 7:5 to grab the trophy on Sunday August 22, 2021 in Weh, Fungom Subdivision, Menchum Division of the North West Region.

An initiative of a Journalist and double Newspaper publisher of the Municipal Update and Time Chronicles, Cham Victor Bama has ended in grand style .

Fentoh FC defeated Warriors Fc at the finals emerging champions on Sunday August 22, 2021 in Weh, Fungom Subdivision , Menchum Division of the North West Region.

According to the Donor, Cham Victor Bama, the competition was aimed to keep youths busy during the long summer holidays as well as promote peace, development and serve as a “Unifier” just as the name predicts.

He added that , the tournament was over one month-long which unfolded in Weh Village in Menchum his place of origin .

The double Newspaper publisher, Cham explained that, the major fact during the competition following recent social disorders .

The entire cost of running the competition amounted to over FCFA 1,000,000. The cash prizes worth over FCFA 500,000 was shared amongst to the glorious winners..

Seven Football teams took part at the competition while four did so for the handball games.

The closing ceremony was witnessed by local and administrative authorities of the area. Together with the local population summing up the huge crowd of football and handball lovers .

The event was a peacefull and successful one as hilarious smiles were evidence on the faces of the people at the ceremony.

The organiser has assured the people that, the second edition of the Cham Victor Holiday Sports Jamboree for Peace and Development will take place next year( summer holidays) . So the people and all interested persons should prepare.

The joyful donor, Cham Victor Bama used this as an opportunity to announce to the public that a Scholarship program will follow next this upcoming school year (2021-2022 academic school year) .

He added that, the scholarship will involve pupils and students across Fungom Subdivision.

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