The new South West Disarmament, Demobilisation and reintegration, DDR, center in Misselele, Tiko Subdivision has been inaugurated by Fai Yengo Francis, the National Coordinator of DDR on Friday December 3, 2021. The building worth FCFA 1 Billion.
Fai Yengo Francis, noted to the press that the center is within the investment progam that H.E Paul Biya put in place for the DDR. He equally used the opportunity to thank the partners who constructed the building.
The New DDR center in Tiko Subdivision, occupied a surface area of about 30,000 square meters and equally consists of six dormitory church, hospital, official Administrative office, workshops and refectory.
The Regional Chief of National Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration, NDDRC, centre for the South West Region, Ngone Ndode Mesape noted that so far they have been operating on the temporal site. Hence he revealed that one of their major limitation at the Burstal Institute is space. "So logically you can now imagine what we can be able to carryout here with all these structures that we have" he added.
Ndode equally added that following the construction of the New DDR center, he will now be able to get into more attractive trades like plumbing, glass work, building construction and others of which could normally not be carried out in the temporal DDR center in Buea.
He is optimistic that this center is going to go a long way to meeting the expectations of the ex- combatants of which are the principal beneficiaries.
The construction of the giant project was done with the assistance of some youths in Tiko Municipality inorder to meet up with the deadline of December 2021.

National Coordinator of DDR centre Fai Yengo Francis cutting inauguration ribbon
The Mayor of Tiko Municipality Ikome Peter Mesoso III, in his address during the opening of the over 1.5 billion New DDR center constructed in Misselele village in Tiko subdivision, called on parents, traditional rulers and villagers to send a melody of the sweet song calling on their children in the bush to come back home. And make judicious use of the opportunity embedded the centre as a result of a comfortable platform has been put in place in order to paved the way of prosperity.
He equally appreciated the President of the Republic of Cameroon, H.E Paul Biya for creating the National Disarmament, Demoblilisation and Re-intergration center, NDDR, to enhance peace, stability and safeguard.
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