Doctors Without Borders, DWB, are strongly intervening in Ekondo-Titi and Bakassi health districts of the South West Region, as the number cases of Cholera continue to increase.
According to Donatien Tshishimbi, Doctors WithoutBorders Medical Coordinator, the Ekondo-Titi Health District has reported over 160 cases of cholera, with 62 patients hospitalised at the Cholera Treatment Unit, 15 patients treated at the Oral Rehydration points and fivedeaths recorded.
Meanwhile Bakassi Health district has also reported 29 suspected cases with three deaths from October 27 to November 29. The condition is particularly worrying, because it means that cholera has spread in the community.
In addition, access to health care is difficult in these communities, affected by conflict, and with precarious health facilities. Compounded with poor living conditions, the vulnerability of this population to infectious diseases like cholera increases according to DWB.
Doctors Without Borders teams have investigated the cholera epidemic, assessed, and reinforced case management with a referral system for mild, moderate, and severe cases, and conducted networking and advocacy with community leaders and local authorities.
To prevent this latest epidemic from getting out of control, Doctors Without Borders is now providing support to the Ekondo-Titi and Bakassi Health Districts with case management, referrals, health promotion and surveillance.
Cholera is caused by a water-borne bacterial infection, and is transmitted through contaminated food or water, or through contact with fecal matter or vomit from infected people. With cholera, a patient can lose up to 25 liters of fluid per day. Cholera can cause severe diarrhea and vomiting, and rapidly prove fatal, within hours, if not treated. But cholera is very simple to treat most patients respond well to oral rehydration salts, which are easy to administer.
In response, Doctors Without Borders will use the Decentralised Model of Care to spread treatment to the health district by having community leaders choose members of the community who can manage the Oral Rehydration Salts, ORS points and refer critically ill patients to the health facilities.
Access to health care centers poses a huge problem in these areas, as most health centers are only reachable by boat. Therefore, Doctors Without Borders is putting together two cholera treatment centers, one in Bamussoand another in Barack. Treatment will be free, and meals and transportation will be provided for all patients referred to these Cholera treatment units, CTU.
Doctors Without Borders teams of health promoters, water and sanitation experts, medical staff and epidemiologists are working to prevent the outbreak from spreading. In 2019, Doctors Without Borders responded to Cholera in the South West Region in Cameroon, precisely in Bakassiwhere 39,000 people were vaccinated, and 230 people treated at the cholera treatment center.
DWB team in barack, for community engagement meeting.
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