It was an atmosphere of joy and happiness at Wosenge palace as the people of Wosenge on Sunday December 19, 2021 benefited from a Christmas package offered to them by the Chief of Woseng village in Buea Subdivision, HRH Emmanuel Moka Etoni. The cooking items which included, cow meat, rice, salt bottle of groundnut oil among others.
According to Chief Emmanuel Moka he thought it wise to bring his people together at the end of the year and merry with them in order to renew their vows to always be in the village.
“This is the way for us to develop our community, and to remind them that if this community has to grow, they have to come back to the community and build houses so that Wosenge should be known worldwide”,
“Come 2022 they should endeavor to be in the village ro start construction. If they are constructing like what am doing behind there, to build my palace I belief Wosenge will be a better place for us to live.” Chief Emmanuel Moka said.
He urged his subjects to always come together, for it brings alot of things to share in the village. Moka emphasised that, he and his subjects always need to come together to talk, to celebrate and see the way forward for the development of the village.
Quizzed on some of the challenges faced in his village, Chief Moka cited vandals, and inter-village disturbance which he cry foul. “I have tabled this time without number to the administration that Wonjava people have been disturbing Wosenge people.
“Whenever we start any project in Wosenge the Wonjava people will come and disturb. Either they are putting instructions to restrict us not to come into the village” Chief Moka explained.
He also lamented the epileptic flow of water in the village, but has assured his subjects that he is going to look for a lasting situation into the matter.
Chief Moka has equally assured his subjects thathe will follow up with Eneo so, they plant two street lights in the village, to bum the village back. “Though we have those challenges, we are trying all possible means to make sure those challenges should be solved” he assured.
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