Each of us has experienced these difficult moments in life. And each of us deals with them differently. Today I want to offer you another way to make it easier to relive difficult moments. It is worth telling yourself certain phrases. What and how do they work? I'll tell you about this here.
"All this for a while." And this phrase is not only about problems or difficulties, no. This is a deeper and more philosophical thought. Our cities for a time, our land for a time, even scientists say that the sun is not eternal. You need to understand that everything in this world is temporary.
After such thoughts, if you immerse yourself in them, it is very difficult to worry.
After all, how can you worry about a car breakdown, for example, when there is an understanding that sooner or later the sun will go out? The whole world is temporarily, and it is somehow strange from such a global point of view to be upset about any thing that happens in your life.
"After all, life is finite." This is the second phrase that you need to repeat to yourself more often, especially in difficult times. Again, we look at the problem from the point of view of our lives. And you need to understand, will you worry in five years about what is happening now?
Most likely no. This means that it does not affect your life as globally as it seems. Life is finite, why then dive into negativity? For example, after such thoughts, I can be distracted by something pleasant, because I do not want to experience negative feelings.
Yes, there are difficulties, but it is better to perceive them as an experience, and not as endless problems.
"Life is always a zebra." That is, happiness and hardship do not last forever. It always alternates. And if it's bad now, then it will be good. This is how our psychology works. Even rich and successful people do it. Although it seems to us that they have no problems. We have such a psyche.
To feel something good, you first need to feel something bad, so that the good becomes good in the background. And vice versa.
That is, without negative, there will be no positive in our life, and vice versa. After all, there is no thing to compare with.
And life is always changing. Yes, you may have to live with difficulties for a couple of years, but then there will be two years of joy. This is how we are made, this is how life is. And this is really worth repeating to yourself in difficult moments.
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