As Preparation for voter registration is progressively going on awaiting the October Presidential polls in Cameroon. Civil society groups and political parties are holding secret meetings on how to woo the electorates.
The coordination team of Now Movement for North and Southwest Regions of Cameroon, Mudoh Walter met in a conclave in Limbe II Subdivision on Saturday February 1, 2025 with delegations from all the Divisions of Region, top on the agenda on the meeting was to mapped out strategies to mobilise the youths and women to register massively and vote in the upcoming Presidential polls and also partake in the local elections of 2026.
Mudoh Walter appreciated the turnout of members of Now Movement and that of the civil society to examine the distance covered especially in the Anglophone Cameroon in trying to push the debate for people to register and vote in the upcoming presidential election.
“Our mission here today is to receive new members in the Now Movement, and possibly put down a mechanism to kick start the campaign for voter registration.” Mudoh Walter said.
Now Movement is a civil society organisation founded in 2018 under the guidance of Batonier Akere Muna it has as mode of operation strictly for the promotion of democracy, Good Governance and the fight against corruption.
“Straight to the point, we are here to present to you the roadmap that lies ahead of us on how to mobilise the youths, and women to be game changers in the fourth coming elections,”
“This is another opportunity to listen from you, patterning to the strategies you think we can put in place to achieve this daunting task”, Mudoh Walter said.
He added that in many developed countries, civil society groups like the now movement and others are those in charge of voter mobilization and creating awareness on the election propagand.
“But it is unfortunate that we are still far off that point in Cameron. Today we think it is never too late to kick start the race”,
“Series of election will be coming up this year and next year 2026. We are concern with all these elections. Now movement is preparing enormous grounds to promote more women to be elected in parliament and councils in the 2026 municipal election”, Mudoh Walters said.
Quizzed how Now Movement intends to do this? he explained that they will encouraging women and youths to run for elective positions, that is lobbying with our partners and Cameroonians abroad to support women and youths who have shown interest in taking up leadership positions.
“I am glad to say we have come to the most decisive part of our political history. The Cameroon of tomorrow, that we all dream and cherish to have is not by political rhetoric and empty speeches and wasting time on WhatsApp.”
“It is time to speak out, time to go to the villages and negotiate power with those who are feeling the brunt of bad Governance.” Mudoh Walter added.
BY KNews political desk editor
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Cross section of Now Movement members and civil society groups pose after the meeting