Do you know one of the major reasons why people do not block their ex is because of the statement; ''No man knows tomorrow''?
Well the truth is, YES! we need each other to advance or succeed in life.
But shockingly, communication with your ex has been one of the major reasons why people keep having ex.
Listen, I don't encourage people to make enemies either do I encourage them to make friends. (There's what I call; Neutral relationship) It takes someone who can take full control over his/her emotions and can stand strongly on his/her decisions to still keep the ex as a friend with no sexual occurances.
Because no one is perfect, to move on; stop thinking about the good things or times you guys had and start thinking only about the bad ones.
''Blocking your ex from all social media platforms and deleting his or her number from your phone is not call childishness, its called; moving on''- Spencer T. Teke relationship counselor
