Locals of Banya Quarter in Mamfe, Manyu Division, South West Region of Cameroon wake up Monday February 3, 2024 shocked and consternation after discovering two new born babies of male sex (twins) who have been abandoned in a gutter by their mom who is on the run.
According to an eyewitness, the incident occurred in Banya Quarter. Our source who preferred not to be named said she found the babies dead in a stream and raised an alarm that brought other to the scene.
According our source, the children did not survive and everyone is still wondering who would have done such a terrible act.
At press time, police have opened investigations to tract down the perpetrator of the incident.
“Even if the father of the child left you and you don't have money to take care of the children, it's preferable you give them away to the orphanage or you give them to someone who needs them rather than carrying them for 9 months only to throw them away in a stream” Our source added.
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