Catholic Men Association family in Cameroon, especially Buea Diocese and Christian faithful of the Catholic Church are still in shock and disbelief following the death of Mr. Ngong Evaristus, CMA Buea Diocesan President.
Mr. Ngong Evaristus died at his Botaland residence late Saturday night September 4, 2021 while celebrating his 66th birthday organised by his children.
The news was even more shocking for those who saw him in Buea that Saturday morning where he led CMA members to attend the high mass and Late former CMA President Buea Ngong Evarius meeting at the behest of the Bishop of Buea, His lordship Michael Bibi.
Affable, soft-spoken and very committed CMA member and Catholic Christian, Mr. Ngong Evaristus has make it through all the levels of CMA to the coveted post of Diocesan president where he is serving his second full mandate following his re-election last April 10 in Muea.
Mr. Ngong told The SUN then that, he still had a lot of work to do, “Our National Secretariat is still under construction and our participation is highly needed”.
He challenged CMA members to always portray the association in positive light wherever they go. Evaristus Ngong used the occasion to frown at the charlatan attitude of members who go to bars with their uniforms and some who are improperly addressed.
In the last national congress of the CMA in Yaounde, he was a member of the protocol and security subcommittee and endeared a lot of members to himself by his politeness. He had a lot of trust and confidence from the National President, Mr. Okie Johnson Ndoh and was rewarded with a special award during the national congress.
Mr. Ngong Evaristus was on retirement from the national gendarmerie where he served as brigade commander in Limbe and later served at the Company Legion all in Bota-Limbe.
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